Greetings Fellow Artist, As you run towards the goals you wish to achieve, as you carve yourself into the person you wish to be, you will inevitably reach an obstacle that bashes your face in. OUCH! You were running so fast you didn't see it. But what now? This is the point where it is easy for discouragement to creep into the mind. After all, you were running pretty fast, but Newton's law of motion wasn’t on your side in this scenario. But the truth is obstacles, Both external and internal,...
30 days ago • 1 min read
You feel weak. You feel drained. You've reached your peak. You question the game. You thought it'd be fun, but it's not. because you got caught, trying to run, too fast. What a blast this was in the beginning, with endless energy and visions of winning. You climbed with joy and ran and leaped, But now you've reached a hill too steep. A hill too steep to climb. Your eyes and mind can't see the top, you've got lacerations from all the rocks, but if you let go now you'll drop, this is harder...
about 2 months ago • 1 min read
You have officially completed your first 3 days of 2025 *confetti blast* How did it go? Was it productive? Or did your New Year motivation run out already? The new year can be quite an anxiety inducing time, You get excited about all the new things you want to pursue and accomplish. But most of the time you end up crawling back to the habits that hindered you from achieving your goals last year. The reality is, This cycle will kill your dreams, happiness, and quality of life if you allow it...
2 months ago • 2 min read
2024 is almost gone forever The completion point of days, weeks, months, and years serve as traffic lights for us to slow down, stop, and reflect before we continue driving down the streets of destiny. You made some new promises to yourself at the start of this year. Have you kept those promises? Are you still as focused as you were in January? To be honest, I used to despise New Years resolutions. They felt very ritualistic, yet most of the time they hold little weight. Most people do all...
3 months ago • 3 min read
Close your eyes Take a ride Take a breath Let the wind be your guide You can glide through the turquoise skies And when the brain wanders, remind the mind That missteps are apart of the process No need to get upset Just reset And keep the motion cause is harder for depression to hit a moving target So close your eyes Take a ride Take a breath Let the wind be your guide You can glide through the turquoise skies And when the brain wanders, remind the mind That there are infinite questions No...
3 months ago • 1 min read
Greetings Fellow Artist A couple of weeks ago, this newsletter turned 1 year old 🎉🍾 *bows* Thank you, Thank you for your applause. And in this year of writing, even though I've been writing to you, I've also been writing to myself. In fact I created this newsletter when I made the realization that working your ass off as an artist (or as any professional) does not guarantee your success. I was working intensely for years, years, years, a decade just to look up and see that the success needle...
3 months ago • 2 min read
The green leaves glistening in the yellow sun, revealing every detail, every beauty and imperfection, but as the wind blows the leaves dance, desperately hiding their not so pretty attributes in the rhythm of their movements. The wind also carrying with it, the scent of a new season. An aroma stimulating the coldest of memories. And the texture of a new fabric of reality. Grainy and cold to the touch, you can hear the air resistance as it forces its way to the present. Knees and palms on the...
4 months ago • 1 min read
"All creation is practice, but not all practice is creation." Like squares and rectangles creation and practice look similar and they even overlap in properties but they are not one and the same. Because of this, it's easy to confuse one for the other And making this mistake can prove detrimental to any and all of your creative endeavors. A square has 4 equal straight sides, and 4 right angles. A rectangle has 4 straight sides, and 4 right angles. Did you spot the difference? The key word...
4 months ago • 2 min read
Greetings Fellow Artist, You know that thing that you're gonna start when the time is right? When you quit your job, or pay off all your debt, or when you're making a bit more money. Yes that thing, that craft you want to develop, or that business you want to start that you're putting off until the "perfect time". I'm here to tell you that if this is a high priority endeavor, a big dream of yours and not just some hobby you want to start.... you are just procrastinating. There is no time more...
4 months ago • 1 min read
Greetings Fellow Artist, Hate to break it to you, but if you're are not passionate about being the best at what you do, you're probably doing the wrong thing. You've probably noticed that I speak about mastery a TON. It's not because I believe I've reached it. I always talk about mastery for a few reasons: It's Cool as Fuck... Come on, we all know it is most exciting to watch the best of the best perform. This is why the NBA finals, and the Super Bowl get much more viewership than the regular...
4 months ago • 2 min read